Sorting your inputs

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Sorting tools

To know about Tools available for sorting, refer to this FAQ


Current usage as of the 18.09 release

Uploaded BAM data will be assigned the bam datatype if it is already coordinate-sorted (header contains "SO:coordinate").

Other BAM data will be assigned the unsorted.bam datatype. In most use cases, the data can be used without changes with tools (the proper sort/index will be created temporarily during runtime).

Avoid assigning the bam datatype to datasets that are not actually coordinate sorted. Downsteam tools will either pause or fail. If you reassigned before reading this, changing the datatype back to unsorted.bam will resolve most issues.

Note: All usage help below is now deprecated if it involves BAM datasets.

Deprecated: Example tools and Tool groups that require input sorting

Deprecated help below

The list is not comprehensive. If a tool fails, try sorting inputs as a first pass solution, whether this is declard or not on the tool form help. Cooridnate order is the most common ordering expected by tools. If queryname order is required, the tool form will usually declare that in the help.

Deprecated: Htseq_count

The tool now queryname sorts at runtime with default seetings.

Deprecated help below

Example error on bug report.

job info:
This job was terminated because it used more memory than it was allocated.
Please click the bug icon to report this problem if you need help.

How to sort?

Set this option to Yes: Force sorting of SAM/BAM file by NAME

Deprecated: SAMTools

The tool now coordinate sorts at runtime with default seetings.

Deprecated help below

Example error on bug report. Yours may differ. If there is a problem, try sorting first before reporting a bug.

job stdout:
[samopen] SAM header is present: N sequences.
[bam_index_core] the alignment is not sorted (display_dataset_name): A-th chr > B-th chr
[bam_index_build2] fail to index the BAM file.

How to sort?

Try using Coordinate sort on the inputs with SortSam before using these tools. This is often required as a distinct step even if the input dataset states in the name that it is already sorted.

Deprecated: Picard

The tool now coordinate sorts at runtime with default seetings.

Deprecated help below

Tools can error for a variety of reasons that seem to be unrelated to sort order, including this one seen on the bug report (click on the green bug icon, but there is no need to submit the bug/error). Instead, coordinate sort and then rerun.

job info:
This job was terminated because it used more memory than it was allocated.
Please click the bug icon to report this problem if you need help.

Different errors can be reported and some may seem unrelated to sort order. Try sorting as a first pass troubleshooting solution.

If sorting does not work, it could be that your FASTQ data is not actually in .fastqsanger format. This occurs quite often in reported issues. For the quickest resolution, instead of reporting the bug and being sent back this link, first double check your data format directly.