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Nora, the new visualisation in Galaxy

A new framework for medical imaging research

A new framework for medical imaging research, Nora, has been added to the Galaxy visualisations. Nora has been developed by Dr. Marco Reisert and Dr. Elias Kellner at the Department of Radiology from the University Medical Center of Freiburg.

Nora provides features beyond the standard, such as real-time image resclicing (MPR), overlays, ROIs, 3D surface rendering and connectome/fiber viewer. It can take image file formats (e.g. DICOM, NIFTI, BRUKER) and other common formats too (e.g. json, jpeg, png, pdf). The visualisation can now be customised within the Galaxy interface:


Although it is already deployed and ready to use in usegalaxy.eu, it will be included in the next Galaxy release 21.01.

Thank you Marco and Elias for the collaboration!