Supporting the COVID-19 Data portal: viral data cleaning from human reads and submission to ENA
The Galaxy Community and ELIXIR organise a second webinar series to demonstrate how open software and public research infrastructures can be used in analysing and publishing SARS-CoV2 data.
2nd Galaxy-ELIXIR webinar series: Open Data Infrastructures to tackle COVID-19 pandemic
Session 3: Supporting the COVID-19 Data portal: viral data cleaning from human reads and submission to ENA
3 February 2020, 17.00-18.00 CET (starts at 16.00 GMT, 11.00 EST, 8.00 PST)
This session will present the COVID-19 Data Portal and the tools clean and submit data to open access repositories:
- Submission tool to European Nucleotide Archive
- Data preprocessing and cleaning
- Ignacio Eguinoa
- Bert Droeskbeke
- Frederik Coppens