Galaxy – a tool for analyzing NGS data: introduction
An EGM annual workshop
September 7th
GALAXY – a tool for analyzing NGS data: introduction
Anton Nekrutenko, PhD (Penn State University)
The workshop will take place in Building 38, computer room, ground floor (unless indicated differently)
Time | Who | Talk | Where |
9:00 - 10:00 | Prof. Kateryna Makova (Penn-State University) | "Non-canonical DNA conformations affect polymerase progression and error rate in sequencers and in living cells" | Building 38, Auditorium 10 |
The Workshop - computer room, building 38
Prof. Anton Nekrutenko, Penn-State University
Time | Topic |
10:00 - 11:00 | NGS Introduction: Manipulation of Fastq and BAM datasets |
11:00 - noon | Variant calling |
Noon – 13:00 | Lunch |
13:00 - 14:00 | RNAseq: Reference based - transcript reconstruction and quantification |
14:00– 15:00 | ChIPseq: Analysis of punctuated signals and contrasting binding efficiencies |